Friday, March 21, 2008

The useless Drags of A Death Rock Boy

Omg, I hate it when people just barge into my room and read over my shoulder, I cant even blog in peace! Hasn't anyone ever heard of privacy? Jeez...

Hello blog, today was a neutral day, the football team and the hockey team went out for more matches, so class was almost empty, brought laptop to math, got sounded in physics...same old same old..But. It's not today i'm gonna blog about, It's yesterday.

yesterday was the prophets birthday, so we were on holiday, oh yea, Happy Birthday man :)
I was actually planning to go out with my classmates since it was a holiday, but most of them couldn't get permission from their housemasters, I was the only one who had no problems cause my mom lied for me and said i was coming home for a kenduri :D even my roommate couldnt get permission cause his mom refused to lie for him, she let him go out, but she refused to lie to the housemaster, therefore he didnt let him out.
So eventually I went out with my seniors in Upper six. Ikram, Aflaah & Mas, we took a cab at about 11 30 to Batang Benar Train Station, seriously, that place is effin dodgy, probably the most retarded train station ever. But i've taken the train home from there with Rashdan before, At Night! so no probs...
After an hour of looking at awkward people on the train we finally arrived at KLsentral, we got a cab to Bangsar Village and then sat down at Madame Kwan's for lunch. Aiman Mahadzir (Ex Student) turned up after abt 10 minutes, Dude, he has a sweet cream coloured cooper s...How nice could your parents be?
I met up with my mom after lunch and walked around Bangsar village with her, It's a pretty expensive place I gotta say, but it's super annoying that their Zara is exclusively for women -.-
After hanging with mom, I met up with the boys agan At telawi street bistro...

*crap, this post is so long and boring, I cant even remember what to type, i had it rehearsed, I swear*

Oh so here's the interesting part....I got drunk

Lol thats right...Picking up where we left off at TBS, I obviously ordered a cocktail, I mean, you sit at a bistro and drink coke? no right? so yeah, first I had a berry enigma...that was quite a sissy drink, wasn't strong at all, Melissa came after I ordered my drink, she was in the area so I offered to treat her, she had a Pina Colada which she slammed pretty darn fast! Lol, she had to go real soon, thats why I think.
After she left, I ordered a Vanilla "Bling Bling"...I guess that was stronger but tasted alot more milky so It was more enjoyable...we moved upstairs soon to get that more "Bar-ish" feel. Aflaah ordered a wine, it tasted pretty good so I ordered one too "Semmillion Chardonnay, a cheaper one of course.....I swear I was still fine when I drank the wine, Ikram ordered a wine too but he said it tasted like puke, therefore I drank it instead...
Okay thats where I met my limit I think, Halfway through Ikram's wine, I couldnt even hold my head up...I could still think, but letting go felt so much better...I could hardly walk after that, we crossed the road to get our dinner then take a cab back to school, I swear, even though nothing was moving, Everything looked like it was.
I got in the cab and almost immediately dozed off. Reaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyyy bad Idea, cause I felt the worst I ever had in my life after that, a splitting headache and nauseous to the point of extremity.

Here's the best part, I puked in the cab when we got into school! Not on the cab floor la, in a plastic bag...

Vanilla Bling Bling

Semillion Chardonnay

I saw THIS at Batang Benar station
I totally collapsed on my Bed when I got back, It took Ikram, Maas and Rahimi to coax me to take a shower...I felt better after eating my dinner, though the memory of the taste of the wine still makes me wanna puke...

Well that was my adventure yesterday, All I ask is this, please please do not judge me, Im not into these kinda things, It was just an occasional social thing, Alcohol Is bad for you, I STILL feel kinda crappy even until now
Hope you enjoyed that looooong update...I have choral speaking practice tonight...DAMMIT.


In my eyes I'm screaming for a sight of you
And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through
And I can't hold on to you
So I guess I'll be lonely too

Edit : I think I use the word "well too much...dont I?