Saturday, March 1, 2008


whew, I feel so revived, I guess this exeat is really doing me good, untangling the wires and oiling the gears. I was literally screaming in everybody's faces before this but alas, this temporary relief will help ease the pain of being a fifth former. 8 months to go till SPM :( I'm gonna need all the support I can get.
Now moving on, I didn't do anything yesterday except enjoy my room, mom's cooking, Update everything I needed to on my laptop and had a good night's sleep. Today I went with Mutalib, Akram, Amir, Azaidi, Richmond, Amira, Aiman and Bashar to watch Jumper, yes yes I know I'm late. Only Me, Amir, Azaidi and Mutalib hadn't seen it cause we were in jail. Amira, richmond, Aiman watched ANAK! LOL...some malay horror movie which my mom wants to watch.
Oh oh some random prick tried to give us free tickets to some "Romantic Comedy" (or so he says) we declined somewhat politely though, hey not everything in life is free, got it? Jumping past the pool games and into Jumper (no pun intended:D) Jumper .was. freaking. awesome, we all walked out cursing that we could'nt Zip anywhere we wanted anytime we wanted (Though we were trying considerably hard to) where would you go if you could jump? I wonder...I think I'd obviously rob a few banks...I dunno, I'll think of something when I CAN jump....
I Could've sworn I saw a kid jump outside cineleisure, It was like I didnt see him then all of a sudden fell splat face down out of nowhere, seriously! Are we alone? I doubt it. Anyway, I'm getting bored of this, I dont know what I'm gonna do tomorrow, Since I'm Leaving tomorrow evening...If you wanna make plans, Make em EARLY Please :) so I can see whoever before I leave for school.though I know you dont wanna make any plans pfft. I'll End this post now I think..Bye bye.

And as she spoke, she spoke ordinary words
Although they did not feel
For I felt what I had not felt before
And you'd swear those words could heal.
And as I looked up into those eyes
Her vision borrows mine.
And I know she's no stranger,
For I feel I've held her for all of time.