Saturday, February 9, 2008

Father, healer, this heart is so in need

Its 4 Am and Hannah Cyanide wants to shoot me for putting images of faceless nurses in her head, they're not that bad lah Hannah...Okay maybe in the dark at a haunting 4 30 Am they are, lol. She also reminded me that I havent mentioned anything about this upcoming Valentine's day...Well then, let me sum it up in 2 simple words, no make it 3, cuz I wanna curse

Who.Effing.Cares (sorry, had to censor that, kids come here)

No I dont have a Valentine, I'm going to be alone this Valentine's, nobody will even bother to think "How About Zack?" trust me, It's ever too familiar. But there's still that hope that I might find someone, or someone might think about me....Or maybe I'm just hallucinating. More likely hallucinating.

The one I want is out of reach, Im ever so close, but yet still in breach, of the feelings we share, always haunting me like a recurring nightmare
....I miss you love, think of me....
help me see, set my cold heart free

Thats all I ask of you.

It will all be over and here we are
we're stuck inside this salted earth together.
You'll pierce my lungs
my limbs go numb
as my colors fade out.

Be mine, valentine?
